Finally it’s here! Professional SEO that don’t interfere with your current online marketing efforts and where you only pay for the actual value of the traffic generated.

Until now SEO has had a high ROI but also a high level of uncertainty. Companies would pay SEO gurus thousands of dollars and hope for the best. Many more just didn’t try SEO, which is a shame, as it has one of the highest ROI’s in online marketing.

We Digitize want to change this and allow any business, in any country to profit from SEO with no risk attached to it.


How does NCNP SEO work?

Contrary to how products similar to NCNP by We Digitize we offer a setup that’s transparent, simple and easy to get started with. You simply contact us and the following process is being initiated:

  1. Contact We Digitize at with NCNP SEO in the title or by phone +45 70601001
  2. After a short questionary about your company, product and preferences we will forward the setup agreed to in writing
  3. Our Data Analysts will based on the questionary pick out suggested keywords for the NCNP SEO campaign, which you approve or disapprove
  4. Our Product Experts will start producing the units, which is a merge of content, on-site SEO and off-page SEO
  5. If we have access to your website we will upload and optimize them. If not you will receive the content and instructions on how to implement it correctly
  6. Ahrefs will measure the value of the traffic generated and you will receive monthly invoices only with the actual value of the traffic received meassured by Ahrefs

Comparison of NCNP SEO and traditional SEO

Traditional SEO

You pay upfront

Risk of no effect or negative effects

The SEO provider gets paid regardless

Confined to the SEO providers market(s)

Subscription bindings

No Cure, No Pay SEO (NCNP SEO)

You pay for relevant traffic received only

SEO that follows Google’s Guidelines

Our succes depends on your succes

We serve all markets and niches

No subscription bindings

Integrity and Loyalty

We Digitize is renown for providing quality and having long lasting relations with our customers and partners. This is something that we would like to continue having. So, should you decide to try NCNP SEO with us you can reply on that:

  • We serve you with integrity and loyalty
  • We don’t work on the same keywords as yours for any other clients
  • You can look forward to degressive prices as you increase your commitment with us and as time with us as partners increases

This also means that:


What if the traffic don’t convert?

Even though we select very specific keywords together with you and based on the questionary some keywords might not convert into paying customers. Don’t worry about that. You can select to remove any unit, anytime you want to without any cost.

What if the traffic increases to much?

Sounds to good to be true, but it could be relevant if you are selling a product with limited supply. We can agree to a cap so that if you receive more traffic than agreed to it’ll basically be for free. However, we will not deliver additional, new units as long as the cap has been reached.

How long before NCNP works?

In general the effect will be visible in data within 1-2 weeks and conversions will begin to pour in, in 6-8 weeks.

Are there any subscription binding?

No, there’s not. Just the value of traffic delivered the current month. You can cancel the agreement partly or fully at any time.

Can I keep the content etc. if I cancel the agreement?

Yes, it is possible to buy the content at the price of 6 times the measured traffic value of all units delivered, 8 weeks after last delivery. It’s also possible to cancel the agreement with no payment but it is then required that the content delivered are being removed and off-page SEO delivered will also be removed.

Does NCNP SEO follow Google’s guidelines

Yes, it does! We work along Google guidelines as we want to do good in the World, as Google, and deliver quality content that is in demand by people in the given geography. This is also the only way to make sustainable SEO, which is in interest of all parties.

Are We Digitize good at SEO?

We believe that we’re. We have been working professionally with SEO since 2006 and we’re currently serving many large, international companies as their primary SEO agency. Also, we would not offer a NCNP product if we were not sure that we could deliver a quality product.

Will using NCNP SEO affect my current SEO

The short answer is no. The longer answer is that it probably will have a positive effect on your current SEO as we optimize your website further (if allowed) and deliver new, in demand content, while trying to get other websites discover your website and hopefully they’ll link back in some cases.

How much can it be scaled?

Scalability depends on market size and niche. In general there are not limits on the scalability besides how many potential customers there are looking for your product online.